PXSL Tools 1.0: Your ticket out of XML Hell

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Tags: xml, pxsl, haskell, xslt

XML is fine for representing document-like things, but when it’s twisted to represent build recipes, configuration files, and little programming languages, it opens the gates to XML Hell. Once the gates are opened, the demons of cargo-cult thinking are loosed upon the world, where they are free to trick innocent programmers into working with grotesquely twisted XML documents – something no human mind was designed to comprehend. Ensnared, these programmers are slowly drawn into the depths of XML Hell, from which their lamentations echo across the universe.

When the demons of cargo-cult thinking come for you, don’t be ensnared! Instead, be prepared – with PXSL – the Parsimonious XML Shorthand Language (pronounced “pixel”).

What’s PXSL? It’s a luxurious, thermonuclear smoking jacket that you can slip on using a convenient preprocessor. Use it whenever you see grotesque XML on the horizon. Within PXSL’s plush (and stylish) protection, you can create all the nasty, twisted XML that may be demanded of you, but you need not descend into XML Hell to do it. Instead, you can work from the comfort of a well-stocked lounge, where clarity and conciseness are always on tap.

For example, here’s a snippet from an XSLT stylesheet, in the original XML:

<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:for-each select="//*/@src|//*/@href">
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>

And here’s the same snippet, written in PXSL:

template /
  for-each //*/@src|//*/@href
    value-of .
    text <<&#10;>>

Isn’t that refreshing?


There are lots of XML shorthands available. So why choose PXSL? Here’s why:

Also, PXSL is battle tested. It was first released in 2003 and has been saving people from XML Hell since. People who try it seem to like it:

The next time you’re headed for XML Hell, why not give the venerable PXSL a try. You might just find that you like it, too.

This public service announcement was brought to you in celebration of the 1.0 release of the pxsl-tools package. The PXSL-to-XML compiler pxslcc is written in Haskell and uses the cross-platform Haskell Cabal build/package system to let you use PXSL just about anywhere.