Adding reddit and buttons to articles in Typo

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Here’s quick patch I made to my Typo 4.0 installation to add Reddit and buttons to articles. Now one click is all it takes to submit an article to either site. (These buttons appear on my blog at the end of each article.)

If you want to apply the patch, be sure to also place copies of the button images into public/images. You can snag the images from my site or from the Reddit and sites.

Here’s the patch:

--- typo.orig/app/helpers/articles_helper.rb   2006-07-24 11:04:27.000000000 -0400
+++ typo/app/helpers/articles_helper.rb 2006-08-09 17:06:51.000000000 -0400
@@ -73,7 +74,26 @@
       code << tag_links(article)        unless article.tags.empty?
       code << comments_link(article)    if article.allow_comments?
       code << trackbacks_link(article)  if article.allow_pings?
-    end.join("&nbsp;<strong>|</strong>&nbsp;")
+      code << submit_this_article_links(article)
+    end.join("&nbsp;| ")
+  end
+  def submit_this_article_links(article)
+    u_url = u(url_of(article, false))
+    u_title = u(article.title)
+    [  # move me into a database table
+      [ "Submit to",
+        "<URL>&title=<TITLE>",
+        image_tag("reddit.gif", :size => "18x18", :border => 0)
+      ],
+      [ "Save to",
+        "<URL>&title=<TITLE>",
+        image_tag("delicious.gif", :size => "16x16", :border => 0)
+      ]
+    ].map do |submit_title, submit_url, image_tag|
+      submit_url = submit_url.gsub(/<URL>/, u_url).gsub(/<TITLE>/, u_title)
+      %(<a href="#{h submit_url}" title="#{h submit_title}: “#{h article.title}”">#{image_tag}</a>)
+    end.join("&nbsp;")

   def category_links(article)

The code is begging for a little refactoring love, but I’m off for vacation in about twenty minutes, so it will have to wait.